Road Safety Assessment for Department of Highways Using iRAP Star Rating for Design

  • ศิรวิชญ์ ชุ่มไชยพฤกษ์ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
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Keywords: Road Safety Assessment, Star Rating for Design, Highway Design, Road Accidents, Department of Highways


Road accidents not only cause substantial loss of lives and properties, but also globally extend to produce an economic burden to the society. One of the most critical components contributing to road accident occurrence is road environment. Improving the safety of road infrastructures, especially from the very early planning stage of a road infrastructure life-cycle, could noticeably reduce accidental injuries and casualties. This research therefore presents the findings of a systematic road safety assessment at the design phase before the road is constructed or renovated, based on the international road assessment programme (iRAP) star rating for design. Infrastructure-related risks for road users including passenger cars and motorcycles are systematically assessed on the road construction drawings of the department of highways, thailand. Data on road design drawings and associated features such as geometric specifications, topographical conditions and cross-sections are thoroughly evaluated. The results of the assessment can indicate the risk of an accident resulting from road conditions. The dangers on both sides of the road include various factors and elements of roads that affect the safety of road users. Such assessment procedure could be an example guideline for ensuring highway designers and engineers to achieve an improved safety design and for supporting the department of highways to provide a safer road environment for all vulnerable road users.


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How to Cite
ชุ่มไชยพฤกษ์ศ., - -, and - -, “Road Safety Assessment for Department of Highways Using iRAP Star Rating for Design”, ncce27, vol. 27, pp. TRL05-1, Sep. 2022.
Intelligent Transportation, Traffic and Logistics Engineering

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